Customizing Ads

Do I need to make my own ads?

Nope. Klickly ads (Commerce Modules™) are auto-created in step 2 of campaign creation: Add or remove products. This is possible via our SmartSync™ technology –– we pull product images directly from your e-Commerce integration.  In step 3 of campaign creation, you’ll be able to customize some aspects of your newly created ads.

What do Klickly’s ads look like?

Yes, you will see an example of a Klickly Commerce Modules™ ad in your campaign editor.  You can explore various other templates by clicking “click here for more examples.” As you’ll notice, there are several templates and sizes which we A/B test to get you the best results.

What ad sizes do you serve?

The standard ad sizes we use are:

  • 970x250
  • 728x90
  • 320x50
  • 300x250
  • 300x600

Keep in mind, we’ll also be A/B testing the latest templates and sizes to get you the best results.