How do I exclude products from my campaign?

Yes! To disconnect a product from Klickly, simply exclude it from your Klickly campaigns:

  1. Click on the 'Campaigns’ tab
  2. Click on the pencil icon to 'edit’ each campaign
  3. Scroll down to the products section
  4. If you see the product, click on the corresponding 'x' to the right of the product name – this will exclude the product from the given campaign
  5. Click on 'save' to update settings.

Keep in mind, you can add a product back to your campaign at any time:

  1. Click on 'Campaign’ tab
  2. Click on the pencil icon to 'edit campaign'
  3. Scroll down to products
  4. Click on 'Exclusions'
  5. Click on the 'x' to no longer exclude this product
  6. Click on 'save' to update settings.

What does archiving a product do?

Archiving a product will permanently block it from being available for use in Klickly.

We automatically connect to your eCommerce platform (Shopify, Magento, etc) via our SmartSync™ technology to minimize the time it takes you to manage your marketing campaigns. To permanently remove a product from Klickly, simply log into your eCommerce platform and delete this product