What is Advanced GA tracking and what does it do?

Klickly is unique in that we enable both click-throughs to your site, as well as in-unit engagements (e.g. product discovery, variant selection, and actual off-site purchases). Because the way in which consumers engage with Klickly-enabled marketing messages is unique, the way in which you track Klickly via 3rd-party tools, such as Google Analytics, is also unique. You can track click-throughs via UTM parameters, track off-site engagements as on-site events, and track off-site views and interactions in a separate property.

How do I enable the UTM feature in my Klickly account ?

To tag each Klickly-driven session on your site with a UTM Source of "Klickly" you will need to:

     1. Open your Klickly dashboard and navigate to 'Account Settings' >> 'Account Management ' >> ' Tracking'

2. Toggle the switch to the right of ‘Enable UTMs’ to turn this feature on.

*In the future you will have the ability to customize the UTM values for both source and medium.  

How do I track off-site engagements as on-site events?

         1. Log into your Google Analytics dashboard and open your store’s Google Analytics Account.

        2. Click on Admin > Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

3. Copy your Tracking ID (see highlighted below).

4. Open your Klickly dashboard and navigate to 'Account Settings' >> 'Account        Management' >> 'Tracking'.

5. Scroll to the ‘Track off-site interactions as onsite events’ section at the bottom of the page and paste your store’s Tracking ID into the Shopify Store Google Analytics ID field.

6. Toggle the button in the upper right hand corner of the ‘Track offsite interactions as onsite events’, and click ‘Save.’

And you’re done! Your store’s Google Analytics account should now be set up to view Klickly “in-unit” sessions in your GA dashboard as if the interaction occurred within your store’s site.

How do I track off site views and interactions in a separate property?

1. Log into your Google Analytics dashboard

2. Click on ‘Admin’

3. On the new screen that appears, click ‘+ Create Property’ in the second column

4. Fill in the information requested on the new screen, and click ‘Get Tracking ID’.
a. Website Name = “Klickly”

b. Website URL = www.klickly.com

c. Category = [choose any category]

d. Time Zone = [choose any time zone]  

5. Copy the ‘Tracking ID’ that is shown on the screen.

6. Open your Klickly dashboard and navigate to 'Account Settings' >> 'Account Management' >> 'Tracking'.

7. Scroll to the ‘Track offsite views and interactions in a separate property’ section at the bottom of the page and paste your store’s Tracking ID into the Klickly Specific Google Analytics ID field.

8. Toggle the button in the upper right hand corner of the ‘Track offsite views and interactions in a separate property’, and click ‘Save’.

And you’re done! Your Google Analytics account should now be set up to view Klickly engagement events in an isolated GA dashboard.

How do I analyze Klickly data within Google Analytics?

1. Open your store’s Google Analytics account to analyze Klickly’s UTM parameters  as you normally would. Klickly’s parameters are:

a. Source = ‘Klickly’

b. Medium = ‘Marketing’

c. Campaign = [CAMPAIGN TITLE]


2. Open your Klickly-specific Google Analytics, click  Behavior’ > ‘Events’ > ‘Overviewto analyze Klickly offsite events.

3. You can also break out events by Engagement Type by selecting ‘Klickly’ under ‘Event Category’ and sorting by a secondary dimension of ‘Event Action’.

4. To open your ‘Klickly Property’ you created to track all engagements people are having within your ad click the dropdown tab in the top left corner.

5. Click on your ‘Klickly Property’ (you can edit the name)

6. You will be brought to the below page- where you can view all Klickly-specific tracking data!!

And you’re done! You can now track traffic to your website in your store’s Google Analytics account, and separately track engagements within your Klickly marketing messages in your Klickly-specific Google Analytics account.

Why is the revenue reflected in Google Analytics different from the revenue reflected in the Klickly dashboard?

Because Klickly orders are not attributed based on last click (the way GA tracks revenue), there may be a discrepancy between the revenue reflected in GA versus the Klickly dashboard.